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Part of the glass manufacturing related enterprises to suspend production

Thinkxing RuixinGlass 2017-08-10 10:16:25

In recent years, the air quality of the environment China show a downward trend, which caused the attention of the relevant departments of the State Environmental Protection Department, every year in the time near the new year will have strict examination China DND enterprise, and glass manufacturing industry and hardware manufacturing and carton related enterprises will be limited, because the national environmental scrutiny last year Department of the lead carton prices rise, prices did not decline until March and April this year, and this year, in a few months in Shenzhen also entered the environmental investigation period, was found to have pollution enterprises stop production immediately, until the disposal of pollution to start production, this round of inspection will the Department of industry will lead to increased production costs, affected by the policy of glass manufacturing and carton manufacturing industry will also have a certain price fluctuations will have Up regulation.